I have never forgotten what you arms feel like
I think this would be easier if I could
Imagine never being a part of love
A part of your circle or inner passion and desire
But with the distance comes a greater yearning
A fire with a flame that refuses to be quieted
In my solitude I reflect on every moment
I am at the core of your beating
I am at the center of your screaming
I dance within the rhythm of love
In the distance I sing
A lone she-wolf cry
A woman's mournful call for her mate to
come home
And I stay up and circle the moon until it is
way too late
Charlie Palumbo
has spent many hours writing poetry
and journaling to keep her mind calm. She finds writing to be the
perfect meditation. She has always loved writing, art, and music.
Charlie enjoys sharing her words because she believes that someone may need them. She is mother,
veteran, wife, poet, and friend. "I truly feel blessed on a daily basis, and I am thankful for the voice I
have been given."
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